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How long after the gastric sleeve does hair loss stop?

It most commonly occurs 3-5 months after the operation. As the body adapts to the changes, hair loss will decrease and then stop.

How long after the gastric sleeve does hair loss stop?

It most commonly occurs 3-5 months after the operation. As the body adapts to the changes, hair loss will decrease and then stop. Hair should grow back normally as long as there are no nutrient deficiencies and consume adequate protein. Telogen effluvium occurs when most of the hair enters the latent phase or telogen phase.

This is the opposite of the anagen phase when hair grows. When the hair is inactive, it stops growing and eventually falls out after 3 or 4 months, or even earlier. This condition does not cause total hair loss or even noticeable bald spots. You will simply experience more hair loss than is typical for you.

Many bariatric patients experience hair loss in the first six months after surgery. While it can make many patients feel self-conscious and can negatively affect their self-esteem, hair loss after bariatric surgery is common and does not last longer than six months. hair loss after gastric sleeve surgery can occur in 30 to 40% of patients. However, this situation is merely temporary if the patient follows the advice of the bariatric surgeon.

There are many ways to thicken your hair if you experience male pattern baldness or thinning hair. Then you add any disease along the way, an underactive thyroid, iron deficiency or genetics and get a hair loss of about 5-15% of the hair follicles. Losing weight quickly, not getting enough protein and the physiological stress that your body goes through from surgery are some of the reasons patients lose hair, as well as the lack of important dietary nutrients such as zinc, biotin, potassium, vitamin B6 or phosphorus. All of this can culminate in a condition known as telogen effluvium, a type of hair loss that patients often experience after undergoing weight loss surgery.

Under normal circumstances, hair loss lasts an average of 3 to 4 months, but not longer than 6 months. The first 3 to 6 months after weight loss surgery are usually the hardest, as the body is recovering and adapting. Most of the time, this hair loss will decrease after several months and your body will start to grow more hair. Usually occurs one to six months after surgery, hair loss related to weight loss is usually not permanent, as it is a hair loss that is in the telogen phase or non-growth, which occurs naturally.

In particular, when looking at protein in your diet, if your body feels that it has enough protein, then it is happier to “waste” it on hair growth. The thought of losing hair can be frightening, and while hair loss after bariatric surgery is commonplace, at worst, it is a temporary inconvenience. Hair may begin to show changes in their usual appearance, being shorter, thinner and weakened at the root. Whether you're experiencing sudden, irregular, or general thinning, here are the basics about hair loss and what you can do.

Speaking specifically of patients with gastric sleeve surgery, this situation occurs in them less frequently because it is a purely restrictive procedure, in other words, the absorption of ingested nutrients is not affected as in malabsorption procedures such as gastric bypass, bypass minigastric, As you can see when it comes to gastric sleeve surgery, it is possible to prevent or at least considerably minimize the chances of hair loss.